Short-term Effects

For America:

A new republic glow as a symbol of freedom to European countries and to improvment in Latin America. White men could still only vote for a century before voting rights and protection under law were extended.

For the world:

Enlightenment ideas inspired American colonists and brought changes to Europe, too. Europeans took up cry for freedom. Absolute monarchs in Europe saw powers reduced.

Furs, Trapping and Fishing

French explorer and the fur traders traveled inland with the help of Native Americans allies. France's american empire reached from Quebec to the great lakes and down the Mississippi river to Louisiana and the gulf of mexico. The poputation of new french grw slowly. first french did not estapublish until 1608, but the Samuals de Champlain Established a colony of Quebec. Wealthy landlords bought huge tracts, land of the St. lawrence river. they settlers to farm land, but the hursh candian, with its long winters.. attractes few french farmers.


Trade & demand

Many who went to new frence soon abandoned farming in favor of more economics fur trapping and trading. They faced hard life in the wilderness, but the soaring european  demand for fur convinced good prices . fishing was another that supported  who export other fish to Europe.


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